About Me


Mark Jones started life of as a coded welder working in London. He tells the brief story of his early life, working in London, how he nearly lost his life and his secrets to becoming financially free.

He gives you a secret knowledge of why some people don’t achieve any success and some do, his proved ideas ‘will empower you’ to become more successful in whatever profession you may take

You might be asking yourself who is Mark Jones and why should I read this book.

Well let me enlighten you about me the author:

I think it’s a good idea for people to know about my experiences.

Firstly I would like to say whether you are poor, rich, middle class or whatever your financial status is, I don’t wish to offend or condemn anyone. This simply reflects my own results and not everyone will share the same sort of dreams and ambitions that I have had. We will have different potentials or ideas and not everyone is the same. You may disagree with what I say or it may influence you to go on and be successful and wealthy.


There are lots of people who look for reasons to do nothing or say they are a victim of their circumstances. If we can change those circumstances by explaining the way forward it may inspire others to go out and achieve. There are many examples to read about successful people and how they started.

I left high school at 16 with no real qualifications. I was good at PE, business studies and history and that’s about it. However, from an early age I quickly realised that if I wanted nice things in life, only I could make it happen. There was no real rationale behind it at the time I just seemed to know instinctively that there was money to be made. I have always felt that I deserved more and realised I could get it with my own efforts. My mind kept wondering to property. I spent years watching and listening to my father who was involved in property improvement. I realised it’s a lot to do with the way you think and see yourself.

I had no interest in school or so my teachers told me. I resumed my education later in life, armed with only a fierce ambition to be my own boss and be wealthy. My first job was YTS actually. You’ll probably have a clue what year I’m talking about now. What a laugh that was. All we did really was laugh at each other, and annoy the pants off everyone around us. Although some good did come out of it, as I later decided to go to college to learn a trade. For two years I learned to become a coded welder but I continued to work on my dad’s properties in between time.
I chose to train as a welder because the money was good at that time and it would calculate better for a loan to income basis for a mortgage. This would also be a good stepping stone towards building my wealth. I enjoyed being a welder and I thought the welding masks were cool. At the time my dad was building a house in Staffordshire, which I worked on most weekends and evenings. Once I got my finances sorted I bought my first house in Compton near Wolverhampton. I paid £31,000, improved it and sold it to the managing director of BMW five months later for £71,500. Not bad for my first house just out of my teens. I did go on to purchase more houses but the inevitable happened and eventually I did the normal thing, got a girlfriend and settled down. I was never fully content with the normal routine that followed.

My feet were constantly itching to return to property and to buy more houses. However, I ended up going to work in London for about 10 years as a welder. It was a steady income but without the challenges and profits you experience in property. I was offered a job in London with my father by a friend, but all the time I had a burning desire to get back into property, to buy land and build a house. I would look at the reflection of myself in the glass of my welding mask and promise myself that I would buy land and one day be wealthy. I never told anyone, I knew they would be negative and say I was only dreaming or laugh and try to belittle me. People with few ideas of their own can be good at putting you down and holding you back as the Americans say ‘misery needs company’

However, I did show interest in property abroad at an early age. When my father and I worked in London I identified that it was almost possible to commute from the north of France to London quicker than from the Midlands to London due to high levels of traffic and the delays due to road works. My father and I went to a number of overseas property meetings featuring French investment opportunities.
We made a few field trips and eventually purchased a large barn with some land.

This insider knowledge will put you on a journey you never knew existed.


How To Become
